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Council Meetings

The Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council plans to meet once per month, on the third Wednesday of each month (room availability can necessitate some date variations).

Meetings start at 1:30 p.m. and are usually held in the Utility and Transportation building in Lacey, WA, however please check our Calendar, the Agenda for the meeting or subscribe to our Email list for the final location. Meeting agendas are usually posted to the website and a notice is sent to our email list about 1 week prior to the meeting.

Meeting minutes are usually approved at the following month's meeting and posted approximately 5 days after the meeting.

Please Note: This schedule is in accordance with WAC 463-18-050. All EFSEC meetings are Special Meetings under Chapter 42.30 RCW. The meetings listed below are subject to change or cancellation. If needed, EFSEC may hold additional Special Meetings in accordance with the rule and law cited above. For additional or updated scheduling information contact EFSEC at (360) 664-1345.

Attending a Council Meeting

Due to the change in the appointment of the new Chair, the January Monthly Council meeting has been CANCELED.  

All Council meetings are accessible virtually via Microsoft Teams. Our meetings are typically held on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 1:30 PM. Check our Calendar for more information.

The address for attending in person is: 

621 Woodland Square Loop SE,
Lacey WA 98503-3172

Attend meeting via Microsoft Teams

Dial-in Number: +1 564-999-2000
Phone Conference ID: 141 231 937#

Upcoming Action Items

Public comments on EFSEC Final Actions must be submitted in-writing to EFSEC at least 3 business days prior to the scheduled public meeting for which the proposed FINAL ACTION Agenda item is planned. Written public comments must be submitted to EFSEC via

If you see a document in the list below the subject matter is open for public comment. Please visit for all action items whether there is a document posted, or not. 

Public comment is being accepted from 3/12 through 11:59pm on 3/16 for an extension to the review period of the Carriger Solar project. The extension request letter will be posted here upon receipt. 

Council Meeting Documents

Looking for 2019 and older Council documents? See our Archived Council Documents webpage.


To receive notifications when new documents are added and other relevant announcements please subscribe to our Minutes and Agenda emailing list using the form below.


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