Sara Randolph
Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project
Certificate Holder: EDP Renewables North America, LLC
808 Travis Street, Suite 700
Houston, Texas 77002
(713) 265-0350
Proponent: Sagebrush Power Partners LLC
Horizon Wind Energy LLC
53 SW Yamhill St.
Portland, OR 97204
Facility: 100.8 MW wind power project
Location: Kittitas County, Washington, 12 miles west of Ellensburg.
Status: Wind power project became fully operational in December 2010.
05/14/2019 - Notice of Site Tour - May 21, 2019
09/02/2009 - Site Certification Amendment 1
09/01/2009 - Resolution 328
05/29/2009 - Site Certification Amendment Request Letter
10/23/2008 - Construction Stormwater General Permit
09/18/2007 - Final Site Certification Agreement
09/18/2007 - Governor's Decision Letter
The Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project is located in unincorporated Kittitas County, Washington, approximately 12 miles west of Ellensburg. The project is located on approximately 5,400 acres of privately and publicly owned forest and rangeland.
The current project consists of 48 wind turbines, a Sagebrush-owned electrical substation, a BPA-owed substation, an operations and maintenance building, and associated supporting infrastructure. EFSEC permitted the project for up to 52 turbines and Sagebrush retains the option to construct four more turbines. The project dispatches electricity through the Bonneville Power Administration transmission system.
Background: In January 2003, Sagebrush Power Partners, LLC, submitted an application for site certification to EFSEC for its Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project. This Project is an alternative energy facility as defined in RCW 80.50.020(17). Sagebrush chose to receive site certification from EFSEC for the Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project pursuant to RCW 80.50.060(2). Application cover letter (1 page - PDF)
On March 27, 2007, EFSEC issued Order No. 826 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order Recommending Approval of Site Certification Agreement. Executive Summary (19kb) Order No. 826 By letter dated June 22, 2007, Governor Gregoire requested EFSEC reconsider the recommended setback for some of the turbines from non-participating landowners' residences.
On August 8, 2007, EFSEC approved Order No. 831 which recommended the Governor approve the Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project with changes to the proposed Site Certification Agreement. These changes would require consideration of visual impacts as the highest priority during the final siting (micro-siting) of the turbines located within 2,500 feet of non-participating residences. Order No. 831, with a revised proposed Site Certification Agreement was delivered to the Governor on August 15, 2007.
On September 18, 2007, Governor Gregoire approved the Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project, and construction began in mid-March 2010. The project became operational in late-autumn 2010. Governor Gregoire's approval letter to the EFSEC Chair.
In November 2008, the Washington Supreme Court upheld the Governor's approval.
General Description of the Project:
The Project will consist of a maximum of sixty-five (65), 3-bladed wind turbines on tubular steel towers, not exceeding a maximum height (hub height plus blade tip height) of 410 feet. The nameplate capacity will be between 98 and 195 megawatts depending on the size of turbine used (1.5 or 3.0 megawatt). The Project would interconnect directly with either Puget Sound Energy's 230kV Rocky Reach-White River transmission line or Bonneville Power Administration's (BPA) Grand Coulee-Olympia or Columbia-Covington 287 kV lines, all of which pass directly over the Project site.
Proposed Site:
The Kittitas Valley Wind Power Project turbines are proposed to be located on the ridges located on either side of Highway 97, roughly halfway between Ellensburg and Cle Elum.
EFSEC's Review Timeline:
May 2009 - Request to Amend the Site Certification Agreement
November 2008 - Washington Supreme Court upholds Governor's decision
February 2008 - Thurston Co. Superior Court transfers case to Washington Supreme Court
October 2007 - Appeal filed in Thurston Co. Superior Court
September 2007 - Governor approves project
August 2007 - EFSEC submits modified recommendation to Governor
June 2007 - Governor remands decision back to EFSEC
May 2007 - EFSEC recommendation delivered to Governor
September 2006 - Hearings held in Kittitas County
May 2006 - August hearings postponed, new hearing schedule to be determined later
March 2006 - Hearings postponed until August 2006
December 2005 - Addendum to Draft EIS issued
August 2004 - Hearings postponed
December 2003 - Draft EIS issued for public comment
May 2003 - Land Use Hearing and 5/7/03 Order on Land Use Consistency
April 2003 - SEPA Scoping Summary issued
March 2003 - Public Informational and Scoping Meeting - Ellensburg, WA
January 2003 - Application for Site Certification submitted to EFSEC