Sara Randolph
Columbia Solar
Bill Sherman
Greenback Renewable Energy
Valley Land Company, LLC
1585 Tjossem Road
Ellensburg, WA 98926
03/15/2023 - Urtica Fire Control Plan
03/15/2023 - Camas Fire Control Plan
03/15/2023 - Penstemon Fire Control Plan
08/17/2021 - Special Meeting Agenda
08/17/2021 - Columbia Solar's Presentation
08/17/2021 - Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council
08/17/2021 - Public meeting notice
07/28/2021 - Attachment 2 - Transfer SCAs to Project Companies
Project Background
The Columbia Solar Project is an alternative energy project initially proposed by TUUSSO Energy, LLC (TUUSSO) then purchased by Greenbacker LLC in July 2021. The January 26, 2018 Columbia Solar Application for Site Certification (ASC) proposed to construct five new photovoltaic (PV) facilities at five site locations in Kittitas County, Washington. Two generation tie lines would also be constructed. On October 17, 2018 Governor Inslee approved the Site Certification Agreements for five solar project sites named as follows:
- Camas
Fumaria(Terminated on 7/28/21)- Penstemon
Typha(Terminated on 7/28/21)- Urtica
Each of the 5 new PV solar arrays would be capable of providing up to 5 Megawatts (MW) of solar energy within the Puget Sound Energy (PSE) service area, for a total of 25 MWac of electrical power generation. The five solar arrays and two generation tie lines are to be constructed on approximately 232 leased acres within Kittitas County.
The Kittitas Valley is one of the sunniest areas of the state, and the array sites are in close proximity to existing PSE electrical infrastructure. The locations selected by the applicant were based on several criteria, including consistency with the Kittitas County zoning code and comprehensive plan, land use efficiencies, placement on previously disturbed farmland to avoid environmentally sensitive areas, and the minimization of new electrical infrastructure by locating close to existing distribution.
On August 18, 2018 EFSEC submitted their recommendation to the Governor, recommending approving the Columbia Solar project.
On October 17, 2018 the Governor approved the Columbia Solar SCA.
On August 20, 2019 the Council approved Order No. 877 which suspended Greenbacker LLC's (formerly TUUSSO) Site Certification Agreements for the Columbia Solar Project. Following the suspension, on November 20, 2019 TUUSSO Energy submitted a letter requesting reinstatement of the Columbia Solar Project’s 5 Site Certification Agreements. This request was granted following a November 25, 2019 vote by the Council to approve Order No. 878 to reinstate the 5 Site Certification Agreements.
July 28, 2021 TUUSSO submitted a request to amend the SCA to terminate two sites, Typha and Fumaria and transfer ownership to Greenbacker LLC. On August 17, 2021 EFSEC held a Special meeting. please see the Columbia Solar SCA webpage for more information.
On September 21, 2021 the EFSEC council issued Order 880 approving the two site terminations and transfer of the remaining SCA's from TUUSSO to Greenback Renewable Energy.
Document Title | Document Date | |
Counsel for the Environment Appoints Bill Sherman | 10/26/2017 |
Orders - Columbia Solar
Document Title | Document Date | |
880 - Order Approving SCA terminations and Transfer of remaining SCAs | 09/21/2021 | |
Order 878 Reinstating SCA's | 12/06/2019 | |
Order 877 - Order Suspending Site Certification Agreements for the Columbia Solar Project | 09/05/2019 | |
Order Granting Expedited Processing | 04/17/2018 |
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