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Carriger Solar

Assigned Site Specialist
Joanne Snarski

Assigned CFE
Sarah Reyneveld

Applicant: Cypress Creek Renewables
Facility: 160 megawatts (MW) of
alternating current (AC) solar energy
and 63 MW of battery energy storage.

Project Milestones


Public comment is being accepted from 3/12 through 11:59pm on 3/16 for an extension to the review period of the Carriger Solar project. You can submit your comments on the comment campaign here:
The extension request letter will be posted upon receipt on the Council webpage here:

Project information

Carriger Solar, LLC (Applicant), a wholly owned subsidiary of Cypress Creek Renewables, LLC, proposes to construct and operate the Carriger Solar Project (Project) located in unincorporated Klickitat County approximately 2 miles northwest of the City of Goldendale. The Project is a proposed solar photovoltaic (PV) electric generating facility with a capacity of 160 megawatts (MW) of alternating current (AC) solar energy and 63 MW of battery energy storage.

The Project is generally located north of State Route (SR) 142 and along Knight Road, Fairgrounds Road West, Mesecher road West, Fish Hatchery Road, Butts Road, and Pine Forest Road approximately 2 miles west/northwest of the city of Goldendale in Klickitat County.

The Project Site Control Boundary contains 2,108-acres and is comprised of two non-contiguous areas across 25 privately owned parcels. Within the Project Site Control Boundary, a smaller 2,011-acre Project Study Area is defined for biological, cultural, and physical resource surveys and includes the portions of the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Right-of-Way (ROW) subject to agreement with BPA and Knight Road ROW subject to franchise agreement with Benton County. Within the Project Study Area, a smaller area of 1,323-acres will be permanently or temporarily disturbed by Project construction and is referred to as the Maximum Project Extent (MPE). This area (1,323-acres) contains the Project footprint associated with the solar array areas, Project substation, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) facilities, collector lines, interconnection equipment, Operations and Maintenance (O&M) building and employee parking, laydown area, access roads, and fencing. The MPE also includes additional construction areas to allow for the shifting of project components, known as micro-siting, based on a final approved project design.

Lands in the Project Study Area have historically been utilized for agricultural activities such as crop cultivation and livestock grazing. The Project is located primarily within the Klickitat County Extensive Agriculture (EA) District with two assessor parcels (totaling approximately 180-acre) and a portion of the Knight Road ROW being located within the Klickitat County General Rural (GR) District. The southern portion of the Project Study Area is located within the Klickitat County Energy Overlay Zone (EOZ). Existing land uses in the Project Study Area predominately include crop cultivation (mostly dryland wheat) and pasturelands with some scattered rural residences (owned by Project participant landowners), undeveloped areas, local roads, and electrical infrastructure (e.g., transmission and distribution lines). Adjacent land uses surrounding the Project Study Area are similar and include scattered rural residences owned both by Project participants and non-Project participants, the Goldendale Fish Hatchery and adjacent Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) owned lands, SR 142, and the BPA Knight Substation.

Construction of the Project is anticipated to take up to 15 months and is anticipated to begin during the first quarter of 2024.

Please visit the certification process webpage to learn more about how the application process works.

Land Use Hearing

The Land Use Hearing took placeon Tuesday May 16th, 2023.


Video recording of the May 16th, 2023 Land Use Hearing.

Informational Meeting, April 25, 2023

The Carriger Informational Meeting took place on April 25, 2023 at the Goldendale Grange.


Video recording of the April 25, 2023 Carriger Solar Informational Meeting.

Carriger Extension Request Special Meeting

The Special Meeting was held on June 9, 2023 from 1pm - 2pm. 


Video recording of the June 9, 2023 Special Council Meeting


Comments received for the Carriger Solar Project are categorized below and updated as soon as can become available. Comments outside of a comment period can be sent to the EFSEC comment mailbox at any time:

Important Note: Public comments submitted to the Council via the internet or in writing become public records under the Washington State Public Records Act (RCW 42.56). Information included in the comment such as the commenter's e-mail and mailing address becomes a public record once it is provided to EFSEC and may be subject to public inspection and copying if not protected by federal or state law. For additional information please see our Privacy Notice.

General Comments

Document Title Document Date
0001-0050 02/19/2023
0051 01/10/2024
0052 01/19/2024
0053 01/23/2024
0054 01/23/2024
0055 09/06/2023
0056 09/07/2023
0057 09/26/2023
0058 11/17/2023
0059 12/26/2023
0060 01/10/2024
0061 01/19/2024
0062 01/24/2024
0063 02/14/2024
0064 03/10/2024
0065 03/21/2024
0066 03/28/2024
0067 04/04/2024
0068 06/20/2024
0069 03/05/2024
0070 07/11/2024
0071 08/24/2024
0072 10/28/2024
0073 11/01/2024

Carriger Informational Meeting Comments 04-25-2023

Carriger Pre-Application Comments

Document Title Document Date
Comment 001 01/05/2022

Special Meeting Comments

Document Title Document Date
0001 06/03/2023
0002 06/06/2023
0003 06/09/2023
0004 06/09/2023
0005 06/09/2023
0006 06/09/2023
0007 06/09/2023
0008 06/09/2023
0009 06/11/2023
0010 06/11/2023
0011 06/09/2023

Council Member Appointment

Data Requests

Data Request 2

Document Title Document Date
Data Request 2 Response 08/31/2023


Orders - Carriger Solar

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