Assigned Site Specialist
Maria Belkina
Cascade Renewable Transmission Project
Assigned CFE
Applicant: Cascade Renewables LLC
Facility: 320-kilovolt [kV] or 400-kV high-voltage direct current (HVDC) 1,100-megawatt (MW) electric transmission facility
Counties: Clark, Skamania, Klickitat
Recent Activity
02/06/2024 - Cascade Renewable Pre-App Info Meeting Agenda
02/06/2024 - Pre-App Info Meeting EFSEC Power Point Presentation
01/24/2024 - Pre-Application Info Meeting Notice
12/20/2023 - Notice of Pre-Application Request Letter
12/20/2023 - Land Owner Rights
12/20/2023 - Pre-Application Plan
12/20/2023 - Pre-Application Request
Project Information
The proposed project is a (320-kilovolt [kV] or 400-kV) high-voltage direct current (HVDC) 1,100-megawatt (MW) electric transmission facility interconnecting the existing Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Big Eddy 500-kV alternating current (AC) substation located- near The Dalles, Oregon (Eastern Interconnection), and the existing Portland General Electric (PGE) Harborton 230-kV AC substation located in Portland, Oregon (Western Interconnection).
From the interconnections, the cables would be buried underground in Oregon to the edge of the Columbia River on each end, and in the bed of the Columbia River in Oregon and Washington. The visible structures (converter stations and short segment of overhead transmission) are proposed in Oregon. The terrestrial project component in Washington includes approximately 7.5 miles of underground buried cable to bypass the dam, locks, juvenile fish passage, and tribal fishing areas at the Bonneville Dam. The terrestrial component of the project in Washington is located in public right-of-way (ROW) along Washington State Route 14 (SR 14), Ash Lake Road, and Fort Cascades Drive.