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Goldeneye BESS

Assigned Site Specialist
Zia Ahmed

Assigned CFE
Yuriy Korol

Goldfinch Energy Storage, LLC
Stand-alone 200 MW/800 MWh BESS
Skagit County
Under review

Project Milestones

Recent Activity

11/25/2024 - 071

11/20/2024 - 070

11/14/2024 - 068

11/05/2024 - 069

10/28/2024 - 067

10/27/2024 - 066

10/27/2024 - 065

10/26/2024 - 073

10/19/2024 - 072

Project background

The Applicant proposes to construct and operate the Project in unincorporated Skagit County, Washington (Figure 1 in Attachment A). The Project is a stand-alone 200 MW/800 MWh BESS (Battery Energy Storage System), with related interconnection and ancillary support infrastructure. The Project is located just outside the eastern edge of Sedro-Woolley, off Minkler Road, within the Skagit Valley, less than 1 mile north of the Skagit River.

The Project is located in unincorporated Skagit County, within the Ag-NRL and RRv zones (County 2023). Current land uses in the Project Area include pasture fields, with a small section of scrub/shrub habitat present near the southeastern tip. A portion of the Project Area also contains four existing structures, which the underlying landowner has agreed to demolish as part of Project construction. Land uses surrounding the project area include rural single-family residences, pastureland, and infrastructure. The Project area is bordered on the north by Minkler Road, and is crossed in a roughly north-south direction by Hansen Creek, and electrical transmission lines that connect to the Sedro-Woolley Substation.

The Applicant is considering various specific lithium-ion battery technologies (see Attachment F for sample equipment specifications). Final technology selection will dictate details of the design layout within the Project Area. The preliminary layout accounts for the Project’s generating capacity; however, the precise equipment and layout have not yet been finalized and the Applicant seeks to permit a range of technology options to preserve design flexibility. Therefore, this ASC analyzes the largest anticipated, worst-case Project Area development footprint.

The proposed facility will provide a service to the regional electric grid by receiving energy (charging) from the PSE electric transmission system, storing energy on site, and then later delivering energy (discharging) back to the point of interconnection. Following construction, the proposed use will not create emissions to air, will not require sanitary facilities, and will not require water except to maintain water-efficient and low-impact landscaping design along the project frontage, and to provide a water source for fire protection.

The Project Area was selected by the Applicant for its favorable site suitability characteristics, including proximity to electrical infrastructure, level terrain and opportunities for efficient construction. The Project will have a number of benefits to the local community and Washington state. Construction of the Project will support up to 50 jobs during peak construction and 2 permanent jobs during operations. The Project will also provide Skagit County with additional tax revenue. In addition, construction of this renewable energy resource will help Washington meet its goal of 100 percent clean electricity supply as set forth in the Clean Energy Transformation Act, passed by the Washington legislature in 2019.

Informational Meeting and Land Use Hearing

The recording of the hearings are available here: August 13, 2024 Goldeneye BESS Info Meeting and Land Use Hearing

The Public Information Meeting and Land Use Consistency Hearing will be hybrid, held in-person and virtually via Microsoft Teams. You may attend the meeting in person at:

  • Sedro-Woolley Community Center
    703 Pacific St
    Sedro-Woolley, WA 98284

You may attend the meeting virtually via Microsoft Teams, or via phone:

Below please find the documents associated with these meetings.

Info Meeting and LUH Public Comments

General Comments

Document Title Document Date
Combined Comments 001-050 10/08/2024
051 08/19/2024
052 08/14/2024
053 08/27/2024
054 08/19/2024
055 08/27/2024
056 08/16/2024
057 09/10/2024
058 09/10/2024
059 09/10/2024
060 09/16/2024
061 09/23/2024
062 09/27/2024
063 10/08/2024
064 10/19/2024
065 10/27/2024
066 10/27/2024
067 10/28/2024
068 11/14/2024
069 11/05/2024
070 11/20/2024
071 11/25/2024
072 10/19/2024
073 10/26/2024
Combined Comments 051-100 10/08/2024
Combined Comments 101-150 10/08/2024

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