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Public Meeting Ground Rules

EFSEC Public Meeting Ground Rules

The Council is committed to providing a full, fair, and safe opportunity for all voices to be heard in a respectful atmosphere. The Council will close the meeting if there are disruptions that interfere with the public’s opportunity to participate, or if there is any safety risk.

To help us all have a productive and safe meeting, we ask that you honor the following ground rules:

Ensuring Order and Safety

  • All speakers must be respectfully treated. Any kind of intimidation will not be tolerated.
  • No clapping, cheering, or jeering during the meeting. This includes speaking out of turn, loud talking, either in support or in opposition.

Virtual meeting rules

  • Mute your microphone unless called on to speak. (If you don’t have a mute button try dialing *6 to mute/unmute.)
  • Turn off your video camera.
  • Please be respectful to all participants within the chat.

Individuals who do not follow these ground rules, or who create an unsafe or intimidating environment will be asked to leave or removed from the virtual meeting.